This Native Elder is Being Sued by a Mining Company
“We used the lawsuit papers in our sweat fire”

This is the first in a series of articles introducing the Thacker Pass Six, a group of traditional indigenous people and grassroots activists who are being sued by a Canadian mining company called Lithium Nevada Corporation.
If you’re new here, this is Biocentric, a newsletter about sustainability, overshoot, greenwashing, and resistance. It’s written by me, Max Wilbert, the co-author of Bright Green Lies: How the Environmental Movement Lost Its Way and What We Can Do About It and co-founder of Protect Thacker Pass.
If you want to follow, you can subscribe for free. In return for supporting my activism, paid subscribers receive access to occasional private posts containing behind-the-scenes reports and unreleased drafts. Revenue from this post will go to the Thacker Pass Six legal defense fund.
This is Dean Barlese, a traditional knowledge-holder from the Pyramid Lake Paiute Tribe, an elder who was raised on old stories told by his father and grandparents. He’s the leader of the Pyramid Lake Spiritual Healing Center, and his ancestors fought in Snake War (1864-68) to protect Northern Paiute homelands from settler-colonial incursions.
I met Dean in the spring of 2021, when he first visited the protest camp that my friend Will Falk and I established on the proposed site of an open-pit lithium mine at Peehee Mu’huh (known as Thacker Pass, Nevada in English). Dean was in a wheelchair and traveled for hours to get to camp, visiting with his relatives from nearby reservations around the fire.
Soon after his first visit, Dean’s health deteriorated, leading to the amputation of his foot. Yet Dean kept coming to camp. Not only that, he was on the front lines of the prayer actions that took place in spring 2023, sitting in front of heavy equipment destroying the land his ancestors fought and died to protect.
Now, Dean is being sued by Lithium Nevada Corporation, a fully-owned subsidiary of Lithium Americas. The suit is a civil case, which means that the company is seeking to get money from Dean.
Lithium Americas is a multi-billion-dollar corporation, and Dean is a retired and disabled Native American elder. He provides spiritual healing to people in his community for free. When Dean’s roof leaks, when he needs a ride to a medical appointment, or he needs to put away firewood for the cold Pyramid Lake winter and for ceremonial sweats, he asks for help from his friends and people he has helped. What little money Dean has is used for food and utilities.
Lithium Nevada can’t get any money from Dean, because he doesn’t have any. The goal of their lawsuit against him is simple: intimidation and violence. If they cannot stop Dean from taking action to protect his ancestral lands, if they cannot undermine his courage, if they cannot break his spirit, they will talk the only language they truly understand: money. They will attempt to destroy his finances, and thus undermine his ability to live.
Here is Dean’s statement, in his own words:
“My name is Dean Barlese. I am age 66. I was born on 9-14-1957.
I am from Pyramid Lake, Nevada, Pyramid Lake Indian Reservation. And my background is knowledgeable person, keeper of stories and family history. Our family is part of, descended from, the Winnemucca family here in Pyramid Lake.
I love doing and sharing history and culture with our people, the ones who want to learn. I'm willing to share beadwork, many different things with them on the cultural side.
I want to protect Peehee Mu’huh, Thacker Pass, because our ancestors are still out there. They were not given the privilege of being buried. So like many, many places during the Snake War, our people were just brutally massacred. And the massacre that happened at Thacker Pass was in 1865 when the military came in and massacred our people.
Sentinel Butte is a sacred place, a place of prayer. And that's another reason we are standing up and protecting these sites from the greed and ignorance of these corporations that are coming in.
The lawsuit, it's not much. Piece of paper, waste of paper, waste of ink. When they brought the papers in, we were having a sweat that day, that evening. So we used the papers to build our sweat fire. And that was the prayer started right there.
We started using our spiritual ways to help us. But people can support us by donating. We have to pay our lawyers. So any way that you can help us, that would be good to help pay the lawyer fees. And that's it.”
Thanks for sharing this story. I find the alchemy of how the elder turned legal papers into a tool for physical and spiritual medicine to be especially powerful.
Did you ever read about how one of the forest defenders from Fairy Creek in BC was also targeted by the legal system in an attempt to use the violence of the state to enable corporate exploitation to continue ?
Rainbow Eyes was sentenced to jail on April 24 by BC Supreme Court Chief Justice Christopher Hinkson and she was incarcerated at the Alouette Correctional Centre for Women in Maple Ridge.
During her trial, Rainbow Eyes called witnesses including Pacheedaht Elder Bill Jones, Coast Salish Elder Klasom Satlt’xw Losah (Rose Henry) and Kwakwaka’wakw Hereditary Chiefs Walas Namugwis (David Mungo Knox) and Ye-kue-kalas (David Daniel Hanuse).
“I asked Rainbow Eyes and numerous others to come to my territory to defend our great mother’s gift to us for our spiritual and religious practice,” says Pacheedaht Elder Bill Jones. “Rainbow Eyes was and is faithful to that cause and continues to show strength and dedication in her resolve in the protection of our great mother’s gift to us.”
“Rainbow Eyes believes that Chief Justice Hinkson engaged in an unreasonable balancing in imposing a sentence of 60 days jail,” Rainbow Eyes’ defence counsel Ben Isitt says. “She has appealed the sentence and is asking the Court of Appeal to conduct a proper Gladue analysis that takes into account her duties as a Kwakwaka’wakw land guardian protecting cedar trees at Fairy Creek and assisting in the search for a missing Coast Salish person.”
For more info on Rainbow Eyes. The story of Angela Davidson. This video tells her story and journey as land guardian standing for truth and sacred responsibility.
I published an article that documented the courageous (and peaceful) efforts of the forest defenders (as well as the duplicity, nefarious cowardice and criminal abuse of the RCMP when they were weaponized as corporate enforcers) in this post:
In a few short months, the temporary deferral protecting Fairy Creek is scheduled to expire. If this tenuous protection is lifted logging and road building could resume in the headwaters of Fairy Creek.
Logging has been deferred in Fairy Creek since June 2021, and the temporary protection is scheduled to expire on February 21, 2025. The BC provincial government has had over three years to come up with a plan to protect Fairy Creek and so far all they’ve done is kick the can down the road. With millions of dollars available in federal funding it’s hard to imagine what they are waiting for (aside from cashing in on all the taxes and stumpage fees they will get if the rare ancient forest is clearcut).
It’s time for a permanent park or conservancy to protect the Fairy Creek watershed AND the adjacent old growth forest that have been left out of the deferral.
We need people like you (and anyone else reading this, and willing to share this) to speak up.
Max, I would be grateful if you (and anyone else reading this that cares about our elder rooted beings and endangered primary rain forest habitat like the Fairy Creek Watershed) could help raise awareness about the imperative of protecting what is one of the last intact watersheds of Primary (ancient/unlogged) temperate rainforest on Earth in your networks.
For more info on the Forest Defenders of Fairy Creek:
One of the last living memories of the living Planet Earth's expression of the beauty, diversity, wisdom, medicine for the spirit and biodiversity that arises in the form of an ancient temperate rainforest is under threat by corporate profiteering. We are called now to stand up and speak for the trees to help our fellow human beings understand the importance of protecting this ecosystem scale Noa's Ark that is the Fairy Creek Watershed.
Thank you for caring about the living Earth and thank you for helping raise awareness on this and the detrimental impacts of lithium mining.
Thanks Max. We have a bomb cyclone here today on the Cdn Pacific coast. Best to you this coming season. I am solo writing letters to Guilbeault and Trudeau. Have you read Gaia's Web by Karen Bakker. It's worth it. Hugs