Such descriptiveness, gives a glimpse of a feel of being in the place. As much as i love the natural world, in suburbia i have to remind myself about being in love with the land and consciously make effort to communicate with various beings because consciousness can get over-powered by the yard, fence, neighbor's houses, and more, so there isn't that sense of 'fall in love with the land' as when seeing a forest or whatever astounding habitat that immediately evokes deep feelings. Plus there's the 'this is my little patch to care for' mentality, which is nice that people care, but again what am trying to convey is how the compartmentalization of consciousness can lessen the natural impulse to simply love the land, so those feelings need nurturing, a kind of daily discipline. Yet also i realize how sad it is that even with such vast raw beauty as you describe, Max, so many humans are numb and choose to shape the environs to their preference because they can monetarily afford to; beauty and empathy are in the eye and feelings of the beholder. Best of luck in your new place, Max, which, as you know, is an old place from the natural world perspective.

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Thanks for sharing your old home Max! May the new one hold you well, though differently. Delighted to see you are also a maker of acorn pancakes! It is quite a process with leaching out the tannins but such a powerhouse of energy.

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This was glorious, Max. For a few minutes while I read this, I felt as though I lived there next to your meadow.

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Beautiful story! Much food for thought and nourishment for spirit. Your words brought me right into those places, provoking memories of the house I built in the midst of forests that were a powerful growing space for my children.

Many thanks.

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such a love letter. thank you for sharing with us, Max. Wishing you great relationships in the place/s to come.

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Thank you so much for this. It makes me feel less alone in what I’m doing.

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From my perch to yours,

thank you, Max,

i love you, Max.


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