Really learned a lot here. Thanks. I've never seen photos like the ones you shared above. That's too bad. Everyone should be seeing what Arctic thawing actually means

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Glad to hear that, Rebecca! It's shocking these stories aren't being told, and even more so that public policy and culture isn't shifting dramatically.

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It IS shifting, Max. The wrong direction. Because the powers that be decided they could monetize climate change (and thereby mark it as a fraud, by association), many on the left who were once environmentalists are now denialists. It's been so fast, and it is so wrong. Thank you for this -- article, substack, and insistence on making a difference.

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Thx for sharing this. Nice pics.

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Wonderful pics max. Really enjoyed this piece, despite the grief inherent in it.

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It's a truly stunning part of the world.

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Hi Max.... Modern Techno Industrial civilization is a total ecological disaster and disregard.

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Thanks for the report. I learned a new word, "cryosphere", which reads like a serious pun, plus reminds of a conference, Cry of the Earth; at Youtube: "In the winter of 1993, spiritual leaders of 7 indigenous nations of North America came to the United Nations to deliver their traditional prophecies relating to the earth. Algonquin - Mi-kmaq - Huichol - Maya - Lakota - Iroquois - Hopi. They traveled from the four directions to bring their urgent messages to an audience of United Nations dignitaries and honored guests." Obviously, they were not listened to enough so as to spur more action, yet imho the videos are still worth watching.

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Thank you for sharing that, Mankh.

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Thanks for sharing all this data and on the ground reporting.

What are your thoughts regarding the potential that some of the change in climate we can observe could be due to 𝐢𝐧𝐭𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧𝐚𝐥 anthropogenic climate changes (as in geoengineering or stratospheric aerosol injection programs)?

For more info on what I am talking about if you are unfamiliar: https://web.archive.org/web/20200921065139/https://www.beeheroic.com/geoengineering-and-environment

I realize that the publicly stated goals of SRM ("solar radiation management") programs involving stratospheric aerosol injection operations are to slow or reverse global warming but have you considered the potential that these types of operations could in fact be having the opposite effect?

Links to pertinent data and information:

- https://ia802603.us.archive.org/1/items/WeatherAsAForceMultiplier/WeatherAsAForceMultiplier.pdf

- http://nuclearplanet.com/2173.pdf?fbclid=IwAR1gfMQcPQAks7c9Lb5_AAriVqZtCC4pa3A0OuX20KWqjVX5Olphh8EWNWY

- https://www.aoml.noaa.gov/phod/docs/Svoboda_2011.pdf?fbclid=IwAR1iXxlldVyBuMIFAgtfCOAzYAGDhvYr4151CLHGpb2GMJBCvxinDuwNBg8

- http://www.weathermodification.com/index.php?fbclid=IwAR2ju5U0cxxZlFZLcS2Tc3Ye-eMN860QeBFfd_MeWgKGdiFFzOYJz8uePL0

- https://www.geoengineeringwatch.org/htm/tests.html?fbclid=IwAR1-KrHJEIEldg7XsH2xS3YwYcbkC34QXobQVOG8wd2GIwGJQSE5bWE_cr0

- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iK9nVR9H34g&fbclid=IwAR36NgGs7ReV0Y_uQbnfZBOwqWpiq9U6hUs3JlOLyHRoRmXdykfT-P3CaGg

- https://www.youtube.com/watch?app=desktop&v=--M4UXgcf_o&fbclid=IwAR0doOSzdfHHVrg6x5X1NKG19s9F3-R9yvy3lMbjHcsshVAOFoUh1xgE8yA

I do not dismiss the facts regarding the damage that pollution (generated by industrial activity) does to the biosphere (via unbalancing the carbon cycle among other things) but what I am hoping to ask you is have you considered the potential that weather modification operations are also playing a significant role in the equation?

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