this is a lyrical and challenging heartfull of writing, to support us all as we try to hold Mother Earth too

(I would add Howard Zinn to my list of subscriptions.....)

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Thanks, Betsy. Howard Zinn was quite an amazing person.

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I want to share a comment that was sent to me by email from a reader named David, and my response:


"Thanks so much for your heartfelt post. I resonate.

I want to query one your statements: "Still, it is incontrovertible that change inside individual human beings is a prerequisite for action"

In my experience, virtually all of it in equatorial regions in India and Africa, action comes first. Sure, external events might push people into action, and they recognize the need for change. But change happens when people - TOGETHER, never as individuals - are moved to action.

I like the Old Testament statement of what the Israelites said when they were supposedly to receive the Ten Commandments: "We will do, and we will hear." In that order. One doesn't understand the dimensionality of change unless and until one acts. And any spiritual change that happens before that, in my opinion, may simply be false consciousness.

Thank you for doing both!"

My response:

Thanks for the message. I agree, that action comes first, at least as far as the external perspective, but I don't think that action happens without an internal process already having begun. I think the externally-visible state of the mind is a lagging indicator of transformation. Another way of saying this is that often, we begin a transformation in the world before it fully unfolds inside of us. Our soul is seeking another way.

I've always loved with quote: "I prayed [for freedom from slavery] for twenty years but received no answer until I prayed with my legs." - Frederick Douglass

I love it because it points towards a marriage of thought and action, prayer and decisiveness, that in my view is more potent than either alone.

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