I'm at a loss for words to describe the despair I feel for what's going down in this world. This machine run culture seems to have mined our minds' ability to recognize the destructive ways we're living and the end result of doing so. It's truly a mass insanity we're swimming in. I have a never ending appreciation for your dedication and bravery, Max. You are a rare breed.

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Thanks for the kind words, Don. This comes to mind — I just shared it in response to someone else’s comment — because I think big hearts are what we need in this time: https://maxwilbert.substack.com/p/your-heart-is-your-prayer?utm_source=publication-search

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I could barely finish reading this through the tears. Will share. May these deaths speak.

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Thank you, Superball. I’ve cried so much for that land (and our whole world) over these years. Those tears are important, as I’ve written here: https://maxwilbert.substack.com/p/your-heart-is-your-prayer?utm_source=publication-search

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I've never seen before and after mining photos...before. I'm actually grateful to have this clear view. Thank you, Max.

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You’re welcome, Katie. It’s rough to see, but important.

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illusions, delusions.... intertwined....

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I realized I accidentally had comments disabled except for paid subscibers. Sorry about that. Comments are open now.

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My hair mineral test shows my lithium level of the top of the chart. Uranium level climbed about 40% in one year. Did not test medicines but must be near zero because I take none.

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