The emotion captured in your beautiful family photo πŸŒ±πŸŒΏπŸ’š

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It’s quite something, isn’t it?

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Hi Max,

I dropped you a line via twitter and your website, but thought I'd write here as well, as I'd love to get in touch. I'm a filmmaker based out of Santa Fe, NM and we are working on a feature film that really may be up your alley. It's the first ever FICTIONAL feature film to touch on subjects such as those brought up in your excellent book "Bright Green Lies." I'd love to send you the overview and trailer of the work-in-progress film, and hopefully connect and talk more. Let me know. sopoci18@gmail.com

Thanks so much,

Rory Sopoci-Belknap

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Hey Rory, glad to connect! I sent you an email, looking forward to connecting.

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Max, I'm a new reader who found you via X. If it keeps changing for the worse, I'll leave for the second time. The first a few years ago was due to censoring a post of mine about collapse and overpopulation/overshoot. We've quadrupled in the lifespan of living people. Some ecologist like Bill Rees (Eco-Footprint) call it Plague Phase. Little hope for my grandsons having a pleasant life in another 1/4 century with this runaway auto-pilot.

Cheers on the downslope,

Steve, Amherst MA

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Hey Steve, glad to have you here! The future is not looking good right now.

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This will be a 3 or 4 read for me, Max - it's so cautionary yet so beautiful to think (know) if we all change our ways drastically we might keep the beauty of the land which also lives within us, I think. I get discouraged when people I talk to about history feel I refer to objects and not the processes by which people lived and even thrived. (I should probably confess that one of my most influential TV shows was D. Quinn, Medicine Woman, who was a truly natural healer. I hope the portion of this article about your father being better isn't out of synch with your writing - that would be delightful. I've had several surgeries for human-induced diseases which stymied the doctors treating them, until it was discovered that portions of the criminal bacteria were, and will be, in my system al my life. And I too am grateful for every day I have staring off over the lake, or in the BWCA alone....I'm sorry I'm rambling, I'll edit myself much better when I write again. (I must say the turtle video induced tears....a good thing.) Thank you Max. (I hope it's OK to share that video as I think everyone should have the chance to see it. ) Addy

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Hi Max. β€œfour horsemen” of the climate change end game are likely to be famine and undernutrition, extreme weather events, conflict, and vector-borne diseases.”

The four conditions, the study of, leads us to a really good book, from where the term emerged - The Great Lever by Walter Scheidel 2017. The last great leveler was WW2. Since then, we have long overshot in every possible way, beyond the biophysical limits and carrying capacity of the earth. One way or another, another great leveler is on the horizon. We can see now!

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I haven't heard of that book, TCI. I'll take a look. Thanks for reading.

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